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While you’re waiting for those emails to come through we’d like to introduce you to one of our most popular classes…

How to Dance a Verse of Bulerías Like a Natural...

…even if you’ve never been able to enjoy
dancing bulerías before.

Bulerías is renowned for its playful character.

For its fast rhythm.

For its humorous and witty lyrics.

Cante is what drives us and inspires us as flamenco dancers.

And understanding cante is crucial to being able to dance bulerías well.

It was what many flamenco dance students find most difficult to figure out.

How do all those professional dancers know exactly when call or when to do a remate?

Especially since they don’t know what verse the singer will sing!

If you’d ever felt frustrated by this you’re not alone.

That’s why we asked maestro Manuel Reyes to come in to our studio and record a special class for us that explains a very simple way to understand a verse of bulerías.

Once you understand the verse, dancing ‘por bulerías’ becomes a lot easier.


Bulerías decoded